Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Recap//Help me//Venting time

First off, let me just say that I'm sorry for being absent yesterday. I got back into town late, and I could have posted something but........ anyways. It's a sad day when I don't have any pictures to share from my weekend travels except these:

Gummy bears and chocolate. That's how we roll. 

Tired out, lounging around in the hotel... Saturday night we went shopping and came back at around 8:00, and watched movies until 2 o'clock in the morning. This is living people! 

He spoils me. 
PS If y'all love VS Pink hoodies like me for being lazy/the gym/around the house, they're all $30 right now. I may or may not have bought five.

Second of all, I'm moving. In like less than two months. This is both totally thrilling and scary for me. If you refer to the title, this is where the 'help me' part comes in. Now I know this is a little odd, considering this is a fashion blog and not an advice column, but I'm getting a little desperate for some furniture fixings. 
This is what I've bought so far:
Yes, a couch. Now, I must furnish a whole living room on a budget.... like a teeny tiny budget. So now I'm asking: where do you go to get good deals on furniture that doesn't look like you drug it out of a back alley? I've been to Ikea and Home Goods {mostly} but I'd love some more ideas on what to do. Have a great color scheme in mind? I'm all ears ;) I REALLY appreciate it! Like big time. This girl is getting a little stressed so I though my blogging buddies would be a great help.

Third of all, I promise I'll be back tomorrow with something I promised in a post last week. It's a good one! {Maybe I'm just biased?} Also look out for a "what I wear when I travel" type of post, those are always fun. Big changes are happening around here! Now that I'm not taking 20 credits a quarter, I'm really going to buckle down and spruce this 'ol blog up ;) 

Happy Tuesday lovelies, I hope you all have an amazing and stress free day/week! 



  1. for cheap furniture? check to see if there is a Habitat for Humanity Re-store warehouse near you... there's one near me that has AWESOME furniture for cheap. i also check thrift stores and goodwill on the regular for decorations... home goods is good but also the target clearance section, marshall's, or pier 1 clearance has great stuff!! :) good luck, girl!

    still being [molly]

    1. Thanks so much girl!! I live about 20 minutes outside of Portland and they are notorious for their thrift stores, so I'm going to embrace it and check those out!

  2. Moving sounds exciting!
    You could always go with the second hand route if you're comfortable doing that. Depending on what kinda area you're in, you should check thrift shops, good will, and craigslist. I bought my desk from good will and I love it!
    Besides that, I'd reccomend IKEA, but you've already been there (:


    1. I'm super excited! Less than 2 months! Thanks so much for the suggestions, I'm going to go crawl around Portland tomorrow and see if I find anything!
