Monday, August 27, 2012


Top: Marshalls | Tank: F21 | Skinnies: AE {On sale now!} | Sandals: Target {This summer- similar here} | Necklace: Buy similar here+here 

I think I might have this top in every color.... the back is just too fun! Shirts like this are my favorite, especially when they're a solid color, so many options! I just wanted to warn let y'all know about some big changes for this blog. I've been working hard on a new design, but I'm having a little bit of an 'identity' crisis.... I want to change the name! Love and Luxe just doesn't really do it for me anymore. I'm also not completely sure what direction my blog will take once I move. Which happens to be in 5 days.... SO. WEIRD. But anyways, I'll still be doing my outfits/tutorials/random posts, but I'll just have to see how things pan out. I can't even take my full length mirror with me.... major sad face! I have to buy a new one soon... or else........ !! :( And on that negative note......

Happy Monday! Hope your day is filled with sunshine and warm smiles.... and not moving boxes ;) 

P.S. For reals, if any of you want to guest post for me next week {Like Monday, Tuesday, maybe Wednesday?} that'd be soooo awesome. E-mail me and we can chat :)
Lexi.McClelland (at) gmail (dot) com 


  1. i am loving your outfit. the top is so cute!

    it is so hard coming up with a new blog name. good luck!

    also good luck with the move!

    1. Awh thanks, it was such a good deal! I know it is:( thank you! I really appreciate it!

  2. Best of luck with moving and all of the blog changes! Excited to see what you come up with :)

    1. Thanks girl! It's been so stressful but I appreciate the support via the blog world ;)
