Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A winner

Tee: Target | Skinnies: Target | Flats: Me Too {Check your local Rack} | Bag: Kaboo- Won via Lilly's Style blog!! {Purchase here} | Necklace: Bauble Bar | Sunnies: F21

You guys.... I can't even believe it! Do you love or do you love my new bag?! I never win anything, but I always enter giveaways on blogs because they're fun and I love learning about new products. But to my shock, I actually won!! This bag is awesome because it comes with a separate pouch for your iPad... how cool is that?! I love using it, and it will be perfect when I take up more classes come fall! Also, how awesome are these pants?! I've been dying for floral jeans, but could never find some in my price range... believe it or not, they were only $23! I suggest running out to your local Tar-jay and snapping them up ;) 
I'm also thinking about getting this pair. What do you ladies think?!

Thanks for following!!
Happy Tuesday :) 

1 comment:

  1. yay! LOVE that bag! and i love the way you styled it. i haven't gotten any floral jeans yet - but they are REALLY fun!
